During the development of diabetes, our cells acquire resistance to the effects of insulin and our pancreas becomes unable to synthesize adequate insulin to counteract this barrier. Sugar accumulates up in the blood rather than going into the cells, where it is needed to produce energy.
Solution of diabetes
Kai Herbals manufactures anti-diabetic syrup, which is an excellent solution to overcome this disease without any side effects. Kai Herbal’s Anti-diabetic syrup contains natural components with properties that are beneficial for diabetic patients, such as anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-diabetic, and many other properties that make our product more efficient.
Jamun:- It aids in the improvement of insulin production and resistance. Also, it is rich in vitamin C, carbs, proteins, iron, magnesium, potassium, and a few phytochemicals that benefits exfoliating the skin, reducing acne, and purifying the blood.
Amalaki:- Amla is a wonder element in the fight against diabetes as it boosts glucose metabolic activity and lowers blood glucose. It encourages healthy weight reduction, slows aging, boosts immunity, and purifies the body.
Baheda:- It aids in digestion, relieves congestion, and stimulates body metabolism. It is primarily used to treat renal and urinary tract problems. It can improve the efficiency of kidneys that have been impaired by diabetes and help to cure a variety of diseases and eliminate body weakness.
Haritaki:- The production of insulin from the pancreatic β-cells becomes active during the consumption of the haritaki. It also helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose, which regulates the secretion of insulin and leads to low blood glucose levels. It boosts digestion and improves nutrient absorption. It is also highly effective in reducing stomach acidity and minimalizing the chances of various stomach ulcers.
Aloe vera:- Aloe vera aids in the lowering of blood lipids (fats) in those with excessively high concentrations of fats (for example, certain people with type 2 diabetes) and acute hepatitis (liver disease). It lowers the swellings and cures wounds and cuts, which is a severe problem in diabetic patients because injuries take a longer time to heal.
Gurmar:- Gurmar includes compounds that inhibit sugar absorption during the digestion process in the intestine. Gurmar might even boost the quantity of insulin produced and the proliferation of cells in the pancreas responsible for synthesizing insulin.
Chirayta:- Chirayta offers dozens of health benefits. Chirata’s excellent hypoglycaemic characteristic is significant in regulating blood sugar levels. When you take chirayta formulations, the generation of insulin gets boosted. It aids in reducing carbohydrates conversion into glucose, which tends to lower blood sugar and, therefore, aids in the management of diabetes.
DOSAGE:- 10 to 12 ml twice a day or as directed by the healthcare professional.