Properties and benefits of PCOD Care Capsules:

  • Due to unhealthy lifestyle and food habits these are the problems
  • confronting by many women.PCOD care capsules are healpful in solving these problems.
  • The reason behind this problem is stress, obesity, bad food consumption,unhealthy way of living and no exercise.
  •  PCOD happens due to imbalance in hormones due to which the ovulation stops and ovaries get swollen and produces immature and partially mature eggs. 
  • PCOD disturbs the menstrual cycle and causes infertility. Also there are many mood swings.
  • To overcome all these problems PCOD Care Capsules are introduced to help you to attain a healthy fertility.
  • This maintains the hormonal balances in the body.
  • This stop eggs prone to becoming cysts and maintain the healthy menstrual cycle in women.
  • Along with all these solutions one must focus on changing their lifestyle as it plays a vital role in improving any kind of health issue and actively helps in overcoming any problem.

(A) Active Ingredients: each capsule contains:

Sr. No.Name of IngredientLatin / English NameQty in mg
1Ashok ChhalSaraca asoca150
2ShatawarAsparagus racemosus100
3MochrasBombax malabaricum50
4PippalPiper longum25
5SonthZinziber officinale25
6Ras sindurAyurvedic drug5
7Heera bolCommiphora myrrha50
8Chikani supariAyurvedic drug50
9Vang BhasamAyurvedic drug15


Ashok Chhal: This stimulates the ovarian tissues and thus keeping the reproductive organs healthy. This combats the menstrual irregularities.

Shatawar: This improves the anovulatory disorder and maintains the ovulation which balances thehormones and helps in regular menstrual cycle.

Mochras: Mochras are one of the best ingredients that keeps reproductive health good and it is most useful in leucorrhea which means sticky and thick discharge from vagina.

Pippal: This has many beneficial properties that keeps all gastric problems away and thus reduces the cramps and other stomach relate issues that occurs during mensuration.

Saunth: Saunth is used as herbal medicines from years and it has best results for PCOD problem and menstrual cramps. This increases the ovulation in women and brings back regular period also maintains the reproductive organ’s health.

Ras Sindur: This is mixture of herbs and minerals and has many health benefits. This cure digestion problems, cramps, urinary tract diseases etc. Helps in getting rid of bloating in mensuration.

Heera bol: This is good for stomach health. Mainly this is used post pregnancy for women as it has benefits of combating most of deficiencies from body. Relieves abdominal pain.

Cheekni Supari: This ingredient is best for both men and women as it maintains the reproductive system of both. This reduces the problem of leucorrhea in women and
spermatorrhea in men.

Vang Bhasam: This is natural remedy for improving fertility and relieving all urinary problems.


 1 to 2 Capsules twice a day or as directed by healthcare professional